Monday, June 17, 2013

The Swim Test

After a long very warm afternoon of unloading, setting up camp we were looking forward to the opportunity to take a dip in the lake.  But it is not always that easy.  We had to go through an orientation, Then instructions on what we had to do to complete the test.  75 yards (three laps) of any stroke you wish on your stomach (crawl, breast stroke, side stroke but no butterfly) and then 25 yards of a resting backstroke, which is like a slow breaststroke on your back.  Once you completed the laps you had to demonstrate you could float.  The passing of this test determined your ability to take the Swimming Merit Badge or any other water interacting badge, sailing, lifesaving etc. 

Even the Old Goats had to take the test as you will see. 

These pictures were taken by Mr. Barry Metcaff.

Lining up for the instructions on rules of the waterfront.

Receiving the next set of instructions.
In line to begin the swim

Hoping to get to try out the blob or the Iceberg climing object.
Waiting to receive our "Buddy Tag" which you must give the lifeguard when entering the waterfront.
 Here is where they reside when not swimming.

Unloading and hanging out waiting to be allowed to our site.

We reached the Camp and were allowed to unload our gear and they hauled it up to the site. However that was after waiting about 30 minutes for the trainer to load up. Unfortunately, we did not get to follow our gear for what seemed like an hour. Here are the pictures associated with this part of the trip.
 The trip was too much for some. 

 But the turtle just kept on trucking.
 We made it.  Thank you fearless leaders!
The view from the campfire amphitheater

And the Baptist church across the lake

 Much of the waiting
 Finally, getting to unload the bus.

 All this fit into the bus with the people!
 Making a plan, however it never seams to go the way we plan. 
 Waiting to be allowed to get to our campsite...

 Don't ask me.  I have no idea.
 The march up the hills to our site.
 Finally, we made it to our site. 
 However, more waiting as the staff inventories each tent.  Just like checking out a rental car before you rent it so they and you know if there has been any damage.
 Ah, home sweet home, for the next week.  It will most likely never again look this nice during the week.
 Getting ready for the swimming test.  Only 2+ hours late.

Pictures of Sunday's Breakfast at Walmart

After the very generous offer to spend the night in the church's fellowship hall we loaded up and headed out and stopped at a Walmart about 15 minutes from the church for breakfast.  The pictures below are of waking up, some of church shots and then chillin' at Walmart. 

Breakfast of Champions:  Pop-tarts and Granola Bars

 The boys don't mind. 
 Coffee.  Coffee.  My kingdom for coffee. 

 Some last minute shopping.  Dig we get the right bread?
Not sure what Mr. Bush had in mind?