Saturday, June 15, 2013

Can you guess which Fresh Egg bought a turtle in Atlanta?

Bottom of the ninth

Bases loaded down by one 

Troop 200 scouts are happy campers

Scouts enjoying the game

View from above

Please address all complaints with Mr. Nibert!

Jack Bush

Tom Bush

Hanging with my bud

Having fun at the Braves game with Joseph sulfaro

Are you smarter than a Fresh Egg?

OK, it's time to start this series again. Moms (or dads... or uncles, aunts and grandparents) back home can answer. And your scout does not need to be a Fresh Egg for you to participate.

What type of pitch is this baseball player getting ready to throw? If you think you know the answer, post a comment below. There is no penalty for wrong answers, so guess as many times as you like.

Finally . . . Baseball



Made it to the ball field

We are getting closer

The ATL needs traffic engineers from FL

We are not on Edgewater Drive anymore


Welcome to Atlanta

The Flying J is our home away from home

One Tuff Old Goat!

5:30 AM departure? No problem Mom

Lunch at the Old Times Country Buffet in Tiffin, GA

Lunch Time

Following the Troop 200 Van & Trailer

Snack time just north of FL GA border

Behind the bus.....

Woodruff map

For your review We are camping at site 3 Just a 45 minute walk to the waterfront Nothing like working up a good sweet before a swim

The Patrol Leadership & Roster

We are ready to roll