Monday, June 17, 2013

Are you smarter than a Fresh Egg?

Tonight, Paul is planning on his famous funnel cake for dessert! Your scouts are excited for seconds. So, now its up to you, if you think you know the answers, post a comment below.

1. What type of snake is in the photo below?
2. Is is venomous?
3. When is it appropriate to apply a tourniquet to a limb that has been bitten by a venomous snake?


  1. I'll give it a try:
    1 - coral snake (red on yellow)
    2 - Yes!
    3 - never (?)

  2. Coral snake, yes venomous....although I want to say yes put tourniquet above bite...I think the correct answer is use suction snake bite kit and get help asap. Hope my boy gets an extra funnel cake. He knows how much I love them! !

  3. Coral snake
    Yes, venomous
    Tourniquet -never?

  4. Coral snake, venomous, never apply a tourniquet....from Sachin's brother

  5. Sorry to disappoint, the rainy weather did not allow us to make funnel cakes tonight. There weren't too many replies to this question anyway. We'll try again later this week.
