Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Pictures from the Second Day of Classes Five Mile Hike

The second day brought more rain and more classes and since the lightening in the area canceled the five mile hike on Monday, it brought the hope to complete the requirement this year. 
 The usual opening ceremony...

... however we stumbled in a bit late due to slow moving and the need to neaten up the site before breakfast.   
 The staff had a bit of a show for us this morning. 

 As you see the sky was already threatening after a night of off and on rain. 

The staff is released first, mostly because many of them also serve the meal. 

 Mr. Royal won the trivia question and Troop 200 got to lead the line for breakfast.  Here is celebrating waiting for the troop to join him. 

 Mr. Metcaff and Mr. Appleton working on their knots in the ASM training.
As we hiked to dinner, the skies opened up and monsooned the camp.  30 minutes into Dinner the rain stopped and the clouds began to break so the hike was on!
 Waiting for the hike to start.  It was a requirement for all the Fresh Eggs (1st year scouts).

Here is the path of the hike. 

 What is that thing in the sky that hurts our eyes to look at it?    This is the start of the hike. 

 All the rain has created a great deal of run off and streams all over. 

 The hike started at 7:00 so it was dusk and prime feeding time for deer.  They seemed very uninterested in us.

 Some of the streams made the trail difficult going at times. 

 The first of many stops through the hike to allow the slower folks (none from our troop) to catch up.

 Having some fun with Collin. 

 The Old Goats are well represented.

 Never have seen a boxwood thicket before.  The tunnel was cut through huge boxwood bushes the size of trees.

There were a few old homesteads on the property with the cabins and outhouses still standing.
 With all the moisture in the air it was like walking trough a shower.  Everyone was soaked even though it wasn't raining. 
The forest was beatiful

 Yet another stop

 David in front of a little man made pond by a cabin with a little water fall for the run off.

You guessed it...

One last break near the end.  We are on the other side of the lake from the camp near the church. 

 A nice shot of the church reflected in the lake.

 Hike along the shore of the lake.

 Here is what the front of the church looks like. 
Getting closer to camp
 Looking towards camp walking across the dam that creates the lake.

The victors!  They survived the hike and could sort of smile about it. 

Nighttime at Woodruff

Pictures from the First Day of Classes.

Monday was the first day of classes and this is various picture through the day of the Scouts in their classes and other events through the day.   Credit goes to Mr. Hale for taking most of these pictures. 
 Mr. Layton going over the duty roster and the camp inspection items to ensure we passed the inspection.  This is all before getting to go to breakfast. 

 Heading down to the parade grounds for the line up.

 The staff joining the morning ceremony.
 The morning flag ceremony.

The fun trivia contest to see the order of the troops being released to line up for food.  Always a large amount of pressure on the troop representative to get the troop released early. 

 The Old Goat's table.  We ran our of room on the tables they assigned us so we got an extra table where the dad's get to eat in peace. 

Archery Merit Badge Class

 Mountain Men
 Other various classes


 Personal Fitness and a game of Ultimate.

 Small Boat Sailing

 Leather Working

 This is the head of a trail through the woods that serves as a short cut between the mess hall and the bathrooms near our camp. It saves a great deal of distance but with all the rain we have it is quite treacherous with all the mud.

 The purpose of the camp besides having fun in the woods is to accomplish advancements and merit badges.  So the evening is not wasted.  Here the boys are studying Fingerprinting. 

Our guys providing some light on the subject.