Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Sunday Dinner

Before going to dinner each night, the Troops have to dress in their Class A uniforms and parade into the parade grounds.  Here the staff marches out to great them and retire the colors.  It is also a chance to provide all the announcements for the evening and the next morning.  Then the Troops climb the hill to the mess hall where everyone eats at the same time, roughly.  Tables are assigned to each group.  Since there are more scouts than room indoors there are tables outside under big party tents. 

To prepare and to clean up, each Troop provides a set of waiters to set up, secure drinks and to clean up afterwords.  They have a big perk for their service, they get to eat before the staff does, which is before the Troops. 

 This is why we eat outside.
 Which Fresh Egg has the correct salute.


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